Sunday, June 20, 2010

Though Elko is the smallest town I've ever lived in, so far, this summer has been an amazing experience. Here's 10 things about this summer that I've discovered.
1. Yes, getting up at 4 a.m. Monday through Thursday is no picnic, but having Fridays off is wonderful!
2. Going to bed at 8 p.m. actually isn't that bad because of the blackout curtains in the hotel.
3. I'll probably gain 20 pounds this summer because I eat all day and sit at a desk half of it.
4. Living without a kitchen is giving me the true dorm experience that I never had.
5. Outlook express is the worst e-mail system on the planet.
6. Ironically, laundromats are dirty places.
7. Getting mail at a hotel is even more fun than getting mail at home.
8. Having a Walmart next door is both wonderful and dreadful. I officially hate shopping outside of the comfort of my hotel room.
9. Steel toe shoes will never be fashionable, but are oh so important. Goodbye, stubbed toes!
10. Heat really does rise: the fourth floor of the hotel is about 10 degrees hotter than the first. Guess where my room is....

Now about Barrick: contrary to popular belief, they really do care about people and the environment. The main policy taught at all trainings is The 4 P's: People, Planet, Property, Production. The philosophy is that if priorities are set (namely safety of the people first, protection of the planet second, and preservation of the machinery third) then production will come in it's own right. I'm so happy to be working for a company that not only cares immensely about the safety of their employees and all those effected by the mines, but also about the negative toll that mining takes on the environment. I'm proud to be an employee of a socially responsible company.

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