Saturday, April 2, 2011

ACS Conference

So, you'd think that since my major is chemistry, I'd talk about it all the time. Honestly, I thought so too; that's why I snagged the blogger domain name that I did. But I find that it's not often a topic of my posts. I think it is because, in my experience, as soon as I start talking about chemistry, people tune out. Not because they don't want to listen, but because they can't. It's really just that boring to them. And then it makes me sad because I'm so enthused about it. So I've learned to just not really talk about it unless I'm with my chemistry nerd friends, hahaha.

Well this last week I attended the American Chemical Society national conference in Anaheim, CA. It was a lot of fun and I learned a bunch. A group of people from BYU all went together, so I got to spend 6 days with people who share my interest and enthusiasm. I was in heaven... for a few days.

The problem with scientists is this: we've learned so much that we think we know everything! So, of course, how could we ever be wrong about anything? Oh, the ego of a scientist. It's nice to be back among "normal" people.

I guess the moral of this story is this: it's good to surround yourself with a variety of people; there's less arguing that way.

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